Elon Musk, a modern day innovator
A very well globally recognized entrepreneur behind many innovative products, thoughts and ideas, has something to offer to learn from him.
Work like a hell : He works for 80-100 hours a week.
Take Risks early : Give wings to your dreams when young.
Be Different : 180 Million dollars invested on Pay Pal,
100 Millions dollars in Space X
70 Million in Tesla
10 Million in Solar city.
Don’t let fear or failure stop You : He thought Tesla would fail But it didn’t.
Never Stop Learning : He still reads for hours in a day.
Build a feed back loop : he Build a feedback loop. There is always a scope of improvements.
Invest on Product and its improvement : Tesla don’t spend money of advertisement.
Treat complaints as an opportunity: This only gives you scope of improvement
Be a trend setter : Space X is new trend setter.
Provide Value : Customer must be satisfied with value propositions offered.